A new Conte government is imminent.
In fact, following the agreement between the Five Stars Movement and the Democratic Party, Conte has been indicated as a candidate for President of the Council of Ministers of a future “yellow-red” government and in this capacity, he was appointed by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, has defined the government structure, and will present itself in the coming days in Parliament to submit to the vote of confidence that, given the power relations in parliament, seems obvious.
What is looming, while respecting the prerogatives of a Parliamentary Republic, is an outcome to the current crisis of government, opened by the League and confirmed by the resignation of Conte as President of the Government Five Star Movement – League last August 20, absolutely unprecedented, hardly imaginable until some time earlier.
The fact that the “yellow-green” government led by Conte has come to an end after about 15 months is, as already pointed out, a positive fact for the PCI.
The policies put in place, supported by two very different political forces, but united by a marked populist approach, have in fact immediately proved largely unable to meet the needs of the country, especially the working population, the popular masses, and after the result of the vote for the renewal of the European Parliament, the policies have increasingly been markedly right-wing (emblematic in this regard of the choices and orientations taken in relation to immigration, finance and the economy) and with the question of differentiated autonomy (the possibility for certain regions to legislate on issues previously attributed to the state), they have even come to question the unity of the state.
What is emerging, that is, a new Conte government, supported also by Liberi ed Uguali (a left-wing party allied to the PD), declaredly voted to conclude the legislature, puts the League at the corner and creates the conditions for the overcoming of its policies, that was worrying on the same ground of democracy.
Even if today we do not know the details of the government’s program, it is unrealistic to expect a policy of real “rupture” with respect to the recent past, to expect a project for the country that can truly respond to the needs of citizens, who continue to face the effects of the capitalist crisis (whose resurgence is visible to all) together with the policies chosen to govern it, of which are responsible the center-right and center-left governments that have followed each other at the head of the country, and now also the League and Five Star Movement.
We, the communists, can only be in opposition to this government and we reaffirm that we are and will fight for an alternative to policies that do not represent the answer to the needs of the world of work, the masses of the people, the country, and we will be in support of a project of real change, political and social for Italy, which passes first of all through the relaunch of the role of the State in the finance and economy, which places the work, its protection and enhancement, as discriminating, which breaks with the centrality of the market, with the Euro-Atlantic subjection of Italy, with the acquiescence to the policies of the European Union (the vote of PD and M5S in favor of the new European Commissioner says a lot about it) with the prevailing liberal culture. As already underlined, the appeal “For communist unity within a class left-wing front” launched by the PCI, the attention reserved to it by several parties, goes in this direction.
In the coming weeks, the party will therefore be committed to broadening this unitary process, to promoting initiatives and mobilizations, both general and specific, to substantiate it, and in this context it is necessary to put in place a national demonstration that brings together all the opponents, in line with what has been stressed, in the belief that this is functional to affirm the necessary responses to the current crisis.
The PCI is and remains on the field for a real political and social breakthrough.
Rome, 31 August 2019
The National Secretariat of the PCI